Tuesday 26 February 2013

Love: Charlie

We lost our cat Charlie this past Friday due to complications with his FIV. He was almost 10 years old. 

He was the perfect, most handsome cat. With the perfect name. He was our favourite friend, my biggest confidante. And he was most definitely family. 

Life without him seems so empty. He was my work companion everyday for the last 3 years. Not having him by my side, purring away...I feel lost and extremely sad.

A friend just shared this with me...

"Paw prints stay on your heart forever."

Her father comforted her with this when she lost her dog, Blue. And its very comforting to us now. 

Stay warm in that sunbeam of yours, Charlie. We miss and love you.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Wander: Toronto

I'm a fan of character. If you stand a chance with me, you NEED character. Toronto has heaps of it. I miss you old friend.

(Taken with Instagram)

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Wander: Toronto.

I went home to Toronto for a week just recently. This trip reminded me how much we've missed being a part of it – its character and its grit. Toronto is a gorgeous city in its own right and doesn't get the credit it deserves sometimes.

In the 6+ years we've been gone, time is not something we have much of when we're quickly dropping in on family so we made an effort to wander around and reconnect with our former city. 

Felt good to be home, even for just a bit. 

(Photos taken with Instagram)